Pure Gases and Mixes for Agriculture and Horticulture
Enhancing Greenhouse Growth, Harvesting and Ripening

Extending the Seasons
Greenhouse facilities are a great way to meet consumer demand for out-of-season fruit and vegetables. Farmers and horticulturists are constantly looking for ways to increase productivity. One of the most effective ways of boosting harvest yields is by enriching the greenhouse atmosphere with pure carbon dioxide (CO2), as this gas - along with light and water - is essential for plant growth. Our CO2 solutions for greenhouse growth have been shown to improve stem strength, increase fruit yields, and trigger earlier flowering. Building on 25-plus years of experience in agriculture and horticulture, we complement our proven supply systems with specially engineered solutions tailored to your specific challenges.
CO2 is also a useful pest control tool. It leaves no harmful chemical residue on produce, and may be classified as a natural or organic fumigant depending on the local pesticide regulations in your country. This means that the addition of CO2 into your greenhouse or as a post-harvest treatment for produce will not impact the organic status of your produce. CO2 treatments are thus increasingly being used on fresh commodities. We offer a range of supply options for CO2 treatments, enabling gas to be flushed into a totally sealed silo, shipping container or purpose-built storage container, and maintained at a given level for the treatment window. Supply modes range from cylinders to bulk tanks with mobile solutions also available in many countries.
With our BANARG® portfolio, we also offer specially created gas mixes to control ripening of fruit, especially effective for citrus fruits, bananas and tomatoes. This gas mix gives a faster, more intense and more even ripening effect than chemical ripening agents.
In some regions, we also offer eco-friendly, safe, non-residual fumigants using ethyl formate as the active ingredient. This agent simply degrades to naturally occurring substances. You can use it to protect your post-harvest produce, packaged and stored foods, and processing equipment.
Please Note:
All fumigants are subject to local regulatory approval. Please contact your local Linde representative for details on availability, trials and commercialization.