Hardening, Carburizing and Carbonitriding
Controlled Gas Carburizing and Carbon Potential with CARBOFLEX

Precise Control with Linde
Increasingly strict tolerances are being specified for heat treated components, resulting in tighter margins for values such as carburization, decarburization or grain size. In thermo-chemical processes such as gas carburizing, precise carbon potential control is essential to achieve the desired product specifications. The right furnace atmosphere plays a key role in meeting these evolving demands.
Our heat treatment experts can help you achieve a reliable supply of process gases and precise control over your nitrogen-based or endothermic furnace atmospheres. Our CARBOFLEX system for flexible mixing of the input gas allows you to precisely adjust the carbon potential in up to four zones in your continuous furnace so you can enhance the heat treatment cycle. As a result, your recipes are suited to different materials being treated and their position in the furnace. Continuous process monitoring supports quality assurance, compliance and safety.
Benefits at a Glance:
- Gas consumption precisely aligned with gas demand
- Gas mixtures can be adjusted for best physical and thermo-chemical properties
- Precise control over carbon potential
- Ease of operation and traceability through advanced process control
- High availability, consistent gas quality and uncompromised safety