Data Protection & Cookie Policy

Website Privacy Notice for Linde Bangladesh Limited

With the following data privacy notice, we would like to inform you that for using our website and agreeing to this policy, you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy.

This policy will explain how your personal data will be treated by Linde Bangladesh Limited (hereinafter also referred to as "Linde").

From time to time, it may be necessary to adapt this privacy policy as whole as well as specific parts of it to comply with legal requirements or to cover changed or additional processing activities.

1. What Data We Will Process

a.  For Core Business Purposes

  • Personal data processed by us for core business purposes includes:
  • Master and contact data of customers and suppliers, such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, function, department of our contact persons, etc.
  • Data we need for invoicing and payment processing, such as bank details, tax number, credit management information, etc., as far as it concerns the data of a natural person
  • Supplier and customer relationship management information, such as order history, etc., as far as it concerns the data of a natural person.

We regularly receive the personal data processed by us within the framework of and in the course of our business relationship with our customers. In some cases, we also receive personal data from affiliated companies of Linde, e.g. contact data from suppliers within Linde’s supplier relationship management.

In some cases, we also process personal data that we have received in another manner, in accordance with the applicable data protection laws. This is regularly the case regarding:

  • Publicly accessible sources, e.g. trade and business registers, trade fairs, exhibitions, Internet sources, newspapers, trade directories, etc.
  • Third parties who are not affiliated with Linde, e.g. trade/business associations, credit agencies, insurance companies, etc.

2. For the Purposes of Operating Our Website

When you visit the website of Linde plc, we collect certain personal data from you, which may include your name, address, phone number or email address. Such data is typically actively provided by you when you use our website, but in some cases, may be provided by third parties who are not affiliated with Linde, such as internet service providers or marketing affiliates or software plug-ins due to technical reasons.

The following data (in particular log information and device data) is automatically processed by Linde : 

  • The name of your Internet Service Provider (ISP)
  • Your IP address
  • Your browser type and your operating system (OS)
  • Date, duration and time of your visit
  • Visited websites
  • Extracted data & downloaded files
  • Your country Your referrer URL
  • Your search term in case you were referred to our website by a search engine

3. Why We Will Process Your Personal Data 

We process your personal data for permitted purposes and in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

a. Core Business Purposes

We process personal data to the extent necessary to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations in connection with the business relationship with our customers, suppliers and partners. "Processing" means that we collect, store, delete or transfer personal data, to list a few examples.

b. Purposes of Operating Our Website

When you visit the website of Linde, the personal data we collect from you shall be processed in connection with the operation of our websites and is typically actively provided by you when you use our website, e.g. when you register for a certain service such the alert subscription, or as a result of services provided by third parties who are not affiliated with Linde, such as internet service providers or marketing affiliates or software plug-ins due to technical reasons.

c. Using Your Personal Information

  • Personal information submitted to us through our website will be used for the purposes specified in this policy or on the relevant pages of the website.
  • We may use your personal information to:
  • Administer our website and business;
  • Personalise our website for you;
  • Enable your use of the services available on our website;
  • Send you email notifications that you have specifically requested;
  • Send you our email newsletter, if you have requested it;
  • Deal with enquiries and complaints made by or about you relating to our website;
  • Keep our website secure and prevent fraud.

4. With Whom We Will Share Your Personal Data

a.  Data Collected for Core Business & Website Purposes

Personal data will be made available to other companies of Linde plc if and insofar as this is necessary for internal administrative purposes. Typical examples are centralized IT services, and communications.

We use external service providers as processors who may process personal data only on our behalf and subject to our instructions. This is the case, for example with website analytics, hosting of IT infrastructure or subscription to alert services.

In the context of the continuous development of our business, we may divest subsidiaries or business parts or merge our business or parts thereof with another company. Such transactions typically entail the transfer of customer information pertaining to the sold or divested subsidiary or business part to the buyer or to the company created by the merger. In the unlikely event of a complete sale of Linde or substantial parts thereof, your personal information will also be transferred to the buyer.

b.  Website Data Shared with Social Media Providers

On some websites, Linde integrates content and publications (blogs, posts, news, videos, interviews etc.) provided by other social media / social networks (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, X/Twitter). As long as you do not click on any such content, no personal information will be transmitted to the respective social media provider.

By clicking on Social Media Wall content, your IP address will be transferred to the respective social media provider and stored, processed and used there in accordance with his privacy policy. An information banner at the Social Media Wall informs you that by clicking on a specific content, you agree to such transfer of your personal information. You can control sharing of your personal data with our media providers through our cookie management tool.

You can find further details regarding the processing of your personal information by the social media providers here:

Facebook privacy policy

LinkedIn privacy policy

X (Twitter) privacy policy

YouTube privacy policy

c. Where We Transfer Your Personal Data - International Data Transfers

We take care not to transfer your data to recipients in countries without an adequate level of data protection (third countries). However, in some cases, this cannot be completely avoided. Where this is the case, Linde takes appropriate measures to ensure an adequate level of data protection at the recipient. 

d. Storage - How Long We Retain & When We Delete Your Personal Data

We process personal data only as long as necessary for the purpose of processing. Log files are stored for 30 days. However, we may have to store some data for an extended period of time subject to applicable legal requirements or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

e.  Your Data Subject Rights & How to Exercise Them

To exercise any of your rights, please contact: 

5. Links

Our websites contain links to other websites, which are subject to separate data protection notices of the respective operators of such websites.

6. Cookies & Tracking

This Cookie Policy applies for the website of the Linde.

Cookie Consent

If you visit our websites for the first time, you will see our Cookie Banner and, when you click on Cookies Settings, our Privacy Preference Center. Here you can execute choice and control over the cookies we drop on your device. 

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files which are sent to your device (computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet) by the website you visit. Cookies are stored on your device in your browser’s file directory. Your browser sends these cookies back to the website each time you revisit it so it can recognize your device and improve your user experience on each subsequent visit. Cookies allow us e.g. to tailor a website to better match your interests or to store your password so that you do not need to re-enter it every time.

Note that certain functions of our website may no longer work or work not correctly without cookies. If you want to learn more about cookies and how they work, please visit: or

Categories of Cookies

Depending on their function and their intended purpose, cookies can be assigned to the following categories:  strictly necessary cookies, performance cookies, functional cookies and targeting cookies.

Strictly Necessary Cookies

Strictly necessary cookies are required to navigate our websites and operate basic website functions. Examples for strictly necessary cookies are login cookies, shopping cart cookies or cookies to remember your cookie settings. Without these cookies certain basic functionalities cannot be offered. Strictly necessary cookies are always active and will be placed without your consent.

Performance Cookies

Performance cookies - aka analytics cookies - collect information on your usage of our websites. They identify e.g. your internet browser, operating system, visited websites, duration and number of website visits, previously visited website, most commonly visited websites and errors you experienced. The information collected is aggregated and anonymous. It does not allow a personal identification. It only serves the purpose of evaluating and enhancing the user experience of our websites.

Functional Cookies

Functional cookies enable a website to store information and options you have already previously entered (e.g. username, language settings, layout settings, contact preferences or your location) in order to offer you improved personalized functions. They are also used to enable requested functions, like playing videos.

Targeting Cookies

Targeting cookies - aka cookies for marketing purposes - are used to offer more relevant and interest-specific content to you, to limit the display frequency of ads and to measure the efficiency of an advertising campaign. They register if you have visited a promoted website or not, and which content you used. Such information may be shared with third parties, e.g. advertisers.

Cookies We Use on Our Website

You may find further detailed information on cookies utilized by us in our Privacy Preference Center. Here, you can also provide or revoke your consent and/or change your cookie settings at any time. A list of cookies used on this site is available at the end of this notice.

Date : October 2024